
Keep track of whatever you like. Export to CSV anytime.

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What is this site?

It's a site that lets you record readings, measurements, meter readings - whatever you like.

Why did you make it public?

It's useful to me, so I thought it might be useful to others.

Why does it look so plain?

I'm not good at frontend stuff. I just throw https://simplecss.org/ at it, and hope it looks and works OK.
Plus - keeping it simple makes it load faster

What can I record?

Anything you like that has a numeric reading. E.g.

Why can't I record my height in feet and inches?

This isn't anything against imperial measurements. It's just that quite often imperial uses multiple things to measure something: feet and inches, miles and feet, shillings and pennies.
The database only has one space for the reading, and only one unit associated with it.
You're of course welcome to save your height in inches (70), or feet (5.8333), but not both (5ft 10 inches). Same goes for pounds and ounces, or any other combination of units.
The same restriction though applies to metric too, such as metres and centimetres.
If we allowed one or two units for a reading, then why not three? Or four? Some people might want to measure distance like: 2000 km, 400 m, 76 cm, and 41 mm. Where to draw the line?

Can I use fractions?

Only decimal numbers, I'm afraid. It's a limitation of the database.

I don't like the date format you use

There are lots of different date formats in use, and everyone has their own preference, but the ISO 8601 date format is an international standard, and widely used. Its distinctive format gets round the problem of wondering whether 05/04/12 is 5th April 2012, or 4th May 2012. Also for example, with a format like 05/Jul/2012, Jul doesn't mean July in Danish - it means "Christmas", so that's not straightforward either.

Your date selector is weird/wrong

I use the standard HTML 5 date input type. Your browser will use its configured locale preferences to display it to you. I don't have any control over this. If it is showing you the wrong date format, please check that your browser locale preferences are set correctly.

What personal information do you require?

None at all. No email address, no phone number. There's nothing to link to you.

How private is this?

Your readings aren't encrypted in any way.
If you choose a good password, then no-one else can log in and see your readings
Only the people running this site can see your readings. If this worries you, you can do any or all of the following:

How is my password stored?

Your password not saved. It is hashed using 2^12 rounds of Bcrypt2, and the hash is stored.

How can I export my data?

We don't want to keep your data hostage. You can download all your readings at any time by logging in and clicking the export link

Do you have an API for adding readings?

See /api/v1 for instructions.

I've got an idea to make it better. How can I contact you?

Until I get a working contact form, please just email feedback at this domain.

© 2022 qntfy.co.uk